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Hair Analysis

Why Hair Analysis

Hair analysis offers an accurate assessment of the concentration of minerals in the body – those that are toxic, those that are essential, and those that are needed in small amounts, but toxic in large amounts. Hair analysis differs in many ways from a standard blood test in that the vast majority of biochemical functions occur in the cells themselves, not the blood stream. The hair reflects the concentration of minerals in the cells and organs, while urine and blood test show the level of circulating minerals.


Extensive research has shown that mineral levels found in the hair can accurately reflect the level of minerals in the tissues of the body. Thus, analysis of the mineral content of an individual's hair can provide us a general 'blueprint' of the mineral content of the body. Since minerals are crucial to the functioning of enzymes, hormones and other biochemical systems, it is possible to read this 'blueprint' and see where metabolic patterns are deviating from normal. In other words, the ratios and levels of these minerals found through hair mineral analysis allows us to ‘see’ how these minerals are being used in the cells indicating the strength and efficiency, or metabolic functions in the body.


Once this ‘blueprint’ is available we can determine the development of metabolic dysfunctions due to imbalances, many times before symptoms show up. Knowing these imbalances, we are able to provide correction through specific diet changes and supplemental recommendations.


We work with precise mineral levels and ratios rather than with the broad ranges employed by the majority of professionals engaged in hair analysis. As a result, we identify even slight deviations from 'ideal' values responsible for some disorders which would escape detection by other labs.

What can be determined from hair analysis?

Minerals are sometimes called the “sparkplugs” of the body.  They are needed for millions of enzymes as co-factors, facilitators, inhibitors and as part of the enzymes themselves.  As a result, they have a great deal to do with the health of our bodies.  By analyzing mineral imbalances in the body, an understanding of the cause and possible correction of many common physical and mental health conditions begin to take form.


The information gained from this test provides a mineral blueprint of your personal biochemistry.  This allows us to determine your:


  1. Metabolic rate (oxidation rating)

  2. Energy production in the cells

  3. Level of stress your body is experiencing

  4. How your body utilizes sugars/carbohydrates. These affect energy production and other metabolic conditions.

  5. Glandular activity (adrenals and thyroid)

  6. Immune function


Coupling this information with your personal profile (this includes your typical daily diet, medications and supplements you take and symptoms you may be experiencing), allows us to provide a personalized dietary and supplemental program to speed corrections in your mineral patterns.​

Who benefits from this program?


  1. Anyone interested in maximizing their overall health

  2. Anyone that just does not feel “right”

  3. Anyone trying to find nutritional answers to their current health conditions

What will you receive with the analysis?

  1. A personalized 25-page dietary profile that includes:

    • Three transition dietary plan based on your hair results

    • Food preparation tips

    • Eating habits

    • How to change one’s habits

    • Information on cooking, shopping, and other consumer information

  2. A customized supplement program designed to speed the balancing process

  3. A detoxification program necessary to receive the full benefits of your nutritional balancing plan 

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